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Friends House


John McAslan + Partners

Esk Fabric Custom Colours

Friends House is the home of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain. The Grade II building by Hubert Lidbetter won the RIBA Bronze Medal in 1927. The recent refurbishment by John McAslan + Partners, transforms the Large Meeting House, seating 1,200, into a versatile, accessible and sustainable space, which responds to the growing needs of the outreach and social programmes at Friends House.

Bute Fabrics_ Hospitality Project_The Resident Covent Garden_Exterior Dusk

The redesign has created a dynamic, calm and luminous space - moveable raked seating allows a range of configurations and a dramatic roof-light fills the space with daylight. A custom colourway of Bute Fabrics Esk was used in the upholstery throughout and is a striking contrast to the pale wood panelling. Find our more about the project here. Photography by Hufton & Crow.

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